Sunday, August 30, 2009

IGUT advert in Terrorizer

IGUT's War To Come on Terrorizer CD

The world's leading extreme music magazine released their 175 issue. The staff picked Igut's War To Come for the Fear Candy CD compilation No.59.

1 -- Amon Amarth -- Twilight Of The Thunder God --4.09
2 -- Bloodbath -- Hades Rising --5.06
3 -- Iced Earth -- Divide And Devour --3.15
4 -- Motörhead -- Rock Out --2.08
5 -- Benediction -- The Grey Man --2.45
6 -- Kampfar -- Inferno --3.33
7 -- SSS -- Can't Burst The Bubble --1.49
8 -- Cripple Bastards -- Allergie Da Contatto --2.26
9 -- Resistant Culture -- Hang On To Nothing --3.03
10 -- Impiety -- Slaughterror Superiority --4.21
11 -- Keitzer -- No Justice No Peace --1.04
12 -- Peregrine -- Empire's Playground --3.31
13 -- Cyaegha -- Ulthar's Decree --3.45
14 -- Blood Ceremony -- Children Of The Future --4.10
15 -- Artas -- The Healing --4.16
16 -- Funeral -- The Will To Die --6.18
17 -- Palehorse -- What Community, What Scheme --3.59
18 -- Igut -- War To Come --4.14
19 -- The Fainting Goat -- Meadow Suite Parts 1&3 --4.00
20 -- Pagan Heritage -- Nuclear World War --4.19
21 -- Mendacity -- Control --4.24

Terrorizer Eterneties review

Kerrang Eterneties review Eternities review

Če so Zagrebčani Igut pred petimi leti delovali kot bend, ki je pravkar odkril metalsko šolo hardcora, so z novim ploščkom, svojim prvim celovečernem Eternities, takoj prepoznani kot dozorel in sposoben tim, ki zmore še marsikaj več od preigravanja Darkest Hour in Black Dahlie Murder. Za osnovo sicer vzamejo formulo slednjih, le to pa tako močno oplemenitijo z novimi vplivi, da jih ni za prepoznat. Svojo deathmetal, doom, stoner, southern metal, hardcore, blackmetal, rock mineštro začinijo s samimi killer rifi in jo z nič manj pestro dinamiko vokalov servirajo v črnini in agresiji modernega metala. Če mene vprašate, kar zanimiv izdelek, sicer pa od benda, ki je na sosednjem špilal metaliziran hardcore že takrat, ko je le ta tam veljal še za nekakšen tabu, tudi nisem pričakoval česar manj.



Icon Music Mag Eternities review

Igut er kroatisk death metal på sitt beste. Det er hardt, hardt og bra. Skjærende hardtslående spisse gitarer. Akkurat slik det skal være. Det er ikke vanskelig å høre at disse gutta er inspirert av band som Opeth, Mastodon og Lamb of God. Igut ble starta i 2002 og slapp seint i 2008 debut plata Eternities. Eterneties er på 9 spor som virkelig sparker, fra start til mål.

Jeg har alt nevnt den skjærende skarpe gitarlyden. Det låter skikkelig Lamb of God av den. Noe som passer fryktelig bra. Her er det fengende rytmer i en spennende miks med melodiøse riff. Men det er ikke gitarene som er det kule med Igut. Det er bassen, det er fryktelig mye spennende bassriff på skiva. Melodiøse bunnlinjer som holder det hele sammen, men ikke nok med det bassen er ofte i fokus og det legger man virkelig merke til. Det er ikke ofte dette er tilfellet i denne typen musikk men, det er helt klart at det burde vært gjort mye, mye mer. For hadde det ikke vært for den fete bassriffinga hadde Igut vært et band som hadde blitt borte i mengden. Men måten de har snekra sammen sitt eget lydbilde på gjør at de blir lagt merke til. Vokalen på skiva er også imponerende, her hersker det 100% full stemmekontroll. Fra hviskende black metall growling, til dyp og høy clean vokal. Særlig på låta ”You are blessed” får vokalen komme til sin fulle rett.  Trommene låter helt okey, men de kunne ha vært så mye mer. På låta ”War To Come” er det en evig lang skarptromme virvel under hele gitar soloen. Mitt første inntrykk var ”Skal det virkelig være sånn?”  Men det er å henge seg opp i detaljer og for øvrig var det det eneste partiet på skiva jeg ikke likte. Alt i alt synes jeg Eternities er et skikkelig reint Death metall album, ingen ballader, ikke noe rolig tull, her kjører vi stil fra start til mål.

Anbefalte låter er Servants som minner farlig mye om Lamb of gods ”Black Label”. Ellers er Eternities, Whisperers og The last one også knallåter.


Link Eternities review

Zagreb, Croatia may not be the most obvious place to find a blisteringly heavy new band, but you'd be foolish not to keep your eyes on the ferocious Eternities. They're not quite fully formed yet; this album has a few too many over-similar moments. But at the right volume that'll only serve to pummel you some more.

Their press release references Mastodon and Neurosis amongst their influences, and these two would go a long way to describe their sound, but throw in Black Sabbath too, for good measure. Not as heavy or as intricate as the aforementioned, they add more rasping death metal vocals to most of the songs, and then go to another end of the spectrum altogether by pulling out a crooning roar that seems for all the world to have a southern drawl to it. IGUT also have a couple of slower numbers in 'The Last One' and 'Denial', the latter of which builds towards a riff as infectious as it is monolithic. While their influences are clear, they blend them together in a way that seems fresh - especially with Filip Bartol's frantic and varied vocals - and makes sure Eternities is a fine way for the UK to discover them.



Mass Movement Magazine Eternities review

"Eternities" is a fitting title for this record, not because it drags on but because the title effectively conveys IGUT's sense of scale and structure in their work. This would broadly fit in with the kind of contemporary metal / prog / doom movement of which Neurosis, Isis, Beehoover et al are members, and which has become rather oversubscribed since the rise of those bands. This is unfortunate for IGUT in the sense that they are an extremely good example of a crowded genre in which inferior bands are frequently given larger promotional budgets. If they can keep touring and get their music out to the kids, this record out to have a shot at getting the kind of recognition it deserves, as it is superbly conceived, written, played and produced. Perhaps its only weakness is in the lack of one element which truly defines their music as different and separate from that of other bands; at the moment the closest thing they have to that is their quality.

Link Eternities review

Formed in 2002, this Zagreb based Croatian Modern Metal-driven outfit started out as a foursome comprising singer Filip, guitarist Tjeshimir, bassist Robert, and drummer Oliver. Still looking for their own sound, the band was still in an experimental phase when they recorded their 2003 demo Dreams Are Forever with a flute player and second singer in the line-up (for the recording only).

In came second guitarist Stjepan, which allowed the band to evolve towards their current style of raw powerful but melody-driven guitars supported by a steady bass and pounding drums, and vocals diverging stylistically from Black Metal screams to melancholically dark and out-spokenly Aggro! First recorded proof of this comes with the 2004 recorded mini-album More Than Words Can Tell, and further progress is evidenced by the recording of two songs for a 2005 promo. On the live front the band slowly became a favourite on the festival circuits in both Croatia and the neighboring Slovenia, as well as supporting the likes of Cameran, Darkest Hour, Malkovich, Shai Hulud, The Wage Of Sin and other well-respected international bands on those gigs when said acts happened to play in that part of South-Eastern Europe.

The fivepiece recorded this album during 2007 with recording engineer/ producer Ivan Jacic (funnily, there's a guy by the same name being a bigshot in chess playing, but THIS guy has produced stuff for the likes of Gardens Of Hiroshima, Amok and Senata Fox, and used to play with Nikad...if I got my info right). In October, the guys got support from their country's national independent television station Z1 by sending out footage from anIgutgig. Eventually, British label Mother Should Know got in touch with the band for the release of their Eternities album, and a deal was sealed in late March 2008.

To give you a verbal idea of what these wacky Croatians sound like, they claim to be influenced by the likes of All, Converge, Descendents, Led Zeppelin, Mastodon, Neurosis, Opeth, to name but the most important...and even Johnny Cash! There's definitely an affinity with Hardcore-driven Metal here, and just like Neurosis and Mastodon the band occasionally alternates calmer moments (both musically and vocally) with harsher ones (in which a Blackened scream occasionally comes floating up). Regretfully, the two songs which start off with such a calm opening to explode into a more aggressive ending are not the ones posted at Nevertheless, the 4 songs posted give you a real good idea of the more aggressive side of the band (for more mterial, view the Z1 footage and then click on the vid in the right corner beneath (band as a foursome)! In their own words, Eternities contains songs which combine sorrow, rage, love, hate, passion, trust, betrayal, and their way of perception of all segments of life and death.

In mid December 2007 the band announced the departure of guitarist Tjeshimir. Having encountered several personal problems and obligations which prevented him from giving the band the attention it needed, the band eventually came to a mutual agreement. Luckily singer Filip is also an accomplished guitarist, so the new guitarist is already in place! Although the promo was sent out well in time, several magazines would only get the review out in their late October issues, which meant that concert promotors were hesitant to book the band, and the band's UK tour had to be postponed. Meanwhile however, Terrorizer did include the band on the covermount sampler CD of their September issue, the band was getting favorable revirews from, Alternative Vision, and Kerrang! (see blogs at the band's MySpace).

For fans of the above mentioned (and with that I mean primarily Mastodon, Converge, Neurosis, Opeth, and more of that ilk) this Croatian band's album will be a welcome addition to their record collection. In fact the band may well become a favourite with many. Personally, I'd like to hold back my enthousiasm somewhat still...I mean, I definitely LIKE what I hear, even lóve it, but before adding this band to my (far too long) list of must-follow/must-have artists, I would need to hear a second album first. So...don't tally lads!


Link Eternities review

Evo, dok preslušavam ovaj novi Igutov promo materijal, pomalo vrtim film o njihovim počecima, stilskim promjenama i konstantnim turbulencijama koje prate više-manje svaki bend.

Igut spadaju u kategoriju po defaultu marginaliziranih bendova iz male državice na Balkanu gdje je nekakva mogućnost za ikakav napredak, ostvarenje, procvat moguća tek uz ogroman angažman i tvrdoglavu upornost, što na kraju i ne mora završiti nekim rezultatom ili ispunjenjem očekivanog. Međutim, Igut su, uz dovoljno ambicije, strpljenja i samosvijesti uspjeli sačuvati pribranost i koncentraciju, te nastavili prema svojoj zamišljenoj destinaciji. Osobno sam imao privilegiju popratiti razvoj događanja oko benda, pogledao nekolicinu koncerata, od kojih je zadnji u Boogaloo-u (prije koncertnog pauziranja zbog koncentracije na snimanje albuma) otprilike nagovijestio prekretnicu u stilskom stvaralaštvu. Do tad su imali nekoliko zanimljivih studijskih uradaka, poput dema "Dreams are Forever" - koji je meni ujedno jedan od najpotentnijih new school hardcore snimaka na ovim prostorima. "More Than Words Can Tell" je pobrao mnogo više zanimanja (izdan na Brand New Place Records), ali nije bio po mom ukusu, možda zbog podbačene produkcije. Bilo je još zanimljivijh studijskih radova koji su vukli na uvjetno rečeno neki melodičan metalcore, kada se igućani odlučuju na povlačenje iz javnosti, te kontemplaciju i koncentraciju na novi materijal. Nakon nekoliko mjeseci uvježbavanja odlučuju se sve to izvesti uz Jakićevu pomoć u Usudovoj garaži. Snimaju 9 stvari i onda, nakon višemjesečne potrage za izdavačem, konačno nailaze na "Mother Should Know Records", koji se odlučuju raditi ovo izdanje.

E sad, ponešto o novom materijalu. Prvo što upada u uho je solidna produkcija, druga stvar je veliki odmak u sviračkom umijeću (pri tome mislim na cijeli kolektiv), ali najviše od svega očarava koliko su poradili na kompleksnosti i raznovrsnosti. Radi se prvenstveno o stilu, jer današnji Igut nije moguće strpati u dvije-tri fraze. Mogao bih unedogled nabrajati eventualne asocijacije tipa Mastodon, Neurosis, Darkest Hour… Time ne bih posebno približio čitavu stvar nekoj definiciji. Dok je u jednom momentu sadržana sva moguća agresivnost i eksplozivnost Converge, u drugom dolazi smiraj i ambijentalnost recimo Opeth. Uspjeli su ispremiješati i ponovno posložiti svu moguću ostavštinu nekih arhetipova i zbilja stvoriti nešto unikatno, originalno i svoje. Oliver razvaljuje bubnjeve i svojom dinamičnom, kreativnom svirkom zbilja je sve poveo na jedan zavidan nivo. Filip je osim growlanja, vrištanja, deranja i ostalih vokalnih egzibicija na ovom albumu i propjevao, što zvuči vrlo uvjerljivo. Butković razara kontinuirano, tu se nema šta ekstra objašnjavati. Gitare su fenomenalne. Ono što je bitno u gitarističkoj izvedbi jest da su dečki dorasli prilično visokom standardu svirke koji su si postavili.

Da rezimiramo: današnji Igut je nešto na što niste navikli čuti na ovim prostorima, jedan zreo, ozbiljan bend koji definitivno ima svoje mjesto i misiju ne samo kod nas, već i u Europi. Što će i potkrijepiti uskoro, i to engleskom turnejom, a s vremenom ekspanzijom i na ostale dijelove Europe i šire. Provjerite Igut bez predrasuda, moja topla preporuka.

summary: Having witnessed the somewhat long history of this Croatian band, I am aware of all sound changes they went through. So, for this release they stopped playing live and decided to concentrate on writing the material, and finally recording it with Ivan Jakić. Seems they broke the international chain by signing to UK's Mother Should Know Records, which is a huge success for a band from this area. Complexity and diversity is the main trademark of their new album, not to mention the playing ability by all memebers, with a nice change in Filip's singing - yes, he also sings now, and it sounds really convincing.


Link Eternities review

Vocais rasgados e gritados acompanhados de um instrumental pesado, fazem a receita deste conjunto, que ainda aceita passagens mais cadenciadas e calmas, mas sem perder o brilho metálico das composições. O Igut é assim, uma cruza entre Mastodon, Pantera e Avenged Sevenfold (antigo), tudo em seu devido lugar.
A tônica do disco é o negativismo, tudo em tons melancólicos e desesperados, o que deve agradar a molecada mais nova, acostumada com esse tipo de espírito, mas o que não impede que os leitores da Rock Brigade também se deliciem com as guitarras dobradas e o bumbo duplo que recheiam a maioria das 9 longas faixas deste cd. Para ouvir alguns sons desta banda, clique aqui.


New Breed of Metal Eternities review

Dok ovo pišem, mašinerija zvana Igut polako ali sigurno kreće u jurišajući proboj prema svjetskoj metal sceni. Izdavanje njihovog prvog albuma ''Eternities'' nije prošlo nezapaženo u prestižnim medijima specijaliziranim za ekstremnu glazbu, poglavito zbog toga što Igutovci iza sebe imaju label da im pruži potrebnu promocijsku podršku. I zbog toga što je ovo sjajan album.

Sa devet razarajućih stvari na ovom debiju, Igut su  redefinirali svoj upečatljivi glazbeni izražaj i oslobodili jebeni pakao. Na ovom albumu nema slabe stvari, nema stvari za koju bi mogli reći da je filler ili da ne ostavlja dojam glasnog buldoždera koji nemilosrdno gazi sve pred sobom. Ne znam bih li prije istaknuo progresivnu stranu pjesama i njihovu slojevitost, što je uvelike zastupljeno masnim mastodonskim riffovima, ili u najmanju ruku zvjersko Oliverovo bubnjanje, ili pak osjetno snažan vokal Filipa Bartola od čijeg se vrištanja ledi krv u žilama, a mala djeca panično zazivaju svoje majke. U svakom slučaj, omjer žestine i progresivnosti je odlično pogođen i uravnotežen, tako da kada čujete prve taktove pjesme ''Servants'' koja otvara album, zajedno sa prodornim vriskom – jasno vam je da je ovo jedan opaki album!

Dojam koji Igut ostavljaju na ovom cd-u je nepogrješiv; moćan zvuk, groovy bass ritmovi, te jedan prilično mračan pristup koji nam s druge strane nudi gotovo bluzerski senzibilitet, što se vidi recimo na pjesmi ''Denial'' koja je pravo remek djelo. Jedna od onih koja odskače. Neću pogriješiti ako spomenem i sjajne ''Dark Brotherhood'', ''Eternities'', ''Whisperers''…ili pak bilo koju drugu.

Pažljivim slušanjem uočit ćete glazbenu potkovanost svih članova benda, ne samo što se tiče preciznog baratanja instrumenata, koji zvuče kao da su srasli uz njihovo organičko tkivo, nego i šaroliku glazbenu pozadinu koja krasi ove dečke. Utjecaj hc-punka, thrash, death, pa čak i black metala, te bluesa i rocka, su ono što čini ovaj album raznovrsnim i zanimljivim. Ne moram ni spominjati da su Igut pronašli svoju vlastitu formulu, te da ne zvuče prožvakano, već zanimljivo i originalno, žestoko na pravim mjestima, usporavajući i ubrzavajući ritam baš tamo gdje treba. Nema repeticije, nema nikakve predvidljivosti, već sama jedna eksplozija čiste energije, čija se glazbena vrijednost otkriva pažljivim slušanjem – jer ovaj album je, ma koliko god to smiješno zvučalo, poput naranče čiji slojevi se gule jedan po jedan. Eto, mislim da smo prvi medij koji je ''Eternities'' usporedio sa narančom, no dobro. Metal naranča, fuck yeah!

Jedina zamjerka bi bila relativno kratko trajanje albuma, da ovo nije prvi službeni album – tako da praktički zamjerki niti nema. No, imajte na umu da je ovo tek početak. Igutova četvorka najavljuje glazbenu apokalipsu koja tek slijedi i mogu reći da sam prokleto ponosan što iz Hrvatske dolazi ovakav bend koji postaje prepoznatljiv izvan nam državnih granica.


Link Eternities review

Primo full length ufficiale per questa band scoperta dalla nascente MSK (Mother Should Know) Records che in quanto a talenti ha già mostrato ampiamente di saperli scovare, come ad esempio i belgi Lo.DEP.

E cosi ora è il turno dei croati Igut con questo "Eternities" composto da nove tracce per un totale di circa una quarantina di minuti di ascolto. Fin dalle prime tracce è ben chiara l'impostazione metal di questi ragazzi, un metal di stampo moderno che in ogni caso non disdegna venature date dalle impostazioni più pure e classiche. Una voce in growl viene spesso e volentieri accompagnata da qualche rimando scream e da qualche parte pulita che riesce a staccare un pochino dando sotto un certo aspetto una boccata d'aria all'ascolatore. Continui riff, per ritmi mai tirati all'esasperazione, un doppio pedale sempre ben attivo e presente e chitarre che si propongono in molteplici sdoppiature di terza quando ce ne è l'occasione. Questo è in sostanza il succo degli Igut, una band che non propone in fin dei conti nulla di eccessivamente nuovo ma si limita a fare il suo lavoro senza ne infamia ne gloria tirando fuori in ogni caso sprazzi veramente interessanti.
Esempio lampante di questa sorta di ecletticismo è dato proprio a mio avviso da "Denial", traccia decisamente caratterizzata da un impostazione e un'impronta diversa rispetto a quello a cui si era stati abituati fino a quel momento. E cosi si scopre una nuova versione degli Igut, più rock, con passaggi che in alcuni momenti potrebbero quasi ricordare classiche soluzioni dei Tool, con una voce pulita, rock, quasi sussurrata. E dopo questo momento quasi di riflessione ecco che la batteria torna a pompare con "Whisperers" e la vera vena degli Igut torna prorompente a pompare nelle casse dello stereo.

Un buon inizio, che pone le basi per un buon futuro per questi ragazzi, non ci resta che aspettare e vedere eventuali evoluzioni. Aspettando un pò di maturità e un pò più di personalità.


Link Eternities review

Noisy Croatians come up with the goods and no mistake!

Well, it's too much of a stretch to my poor abused brain to recall whether I've ever reviewed a Croatian band before, but as they say, there's a first time for everything - except being bumraped by a herd of rampaging elephants – and as such here's what I did dun fink abaat ver band wot iz IGUT.Clearly quite fond of the likes of Mastodon and even Converge, the foursome crack oop the ROKK like a bunch of good 'uns. They know one end of a decent riff from the other, they like to crank it loud and heavy and the production on this record is similar to dropping a Land Rover on your foot – fucking heavy.While the overall sound suggests they might be a tad annoyed with things in general and that I might suggest a pair of comfy slippers, a relaxing mug of Horlicks or even a nice piece of cake to cheer them up a touch, there's no denying that if you like your metal hard and fast (oo-er missus) Igut do it as well as anyone else you could name just now. A refreshing, powerful and hugely encouraging record."



Alternative Vision Eternities review

Now I don't often come across bands from Croatia, but today I have come across IGUT, they are a four piece heavy rock outfit from Zagreb in Croatia and they formed way back in 2002, they are influenced by all things heavy such as Opeth, Mastodon and even the classic Led Zeppelin, they are also influenced by the country legend that is Johnny Cash. The latest album release from IGUT is called 'Eternities' and is being released on Mother Should Know Records on the 29th September in the UK and you can clearly tell by listening to the album that the above bands influence their sound with Mastodon being the key influence in my opinion.

There is no doubt about it, IGUT have a really huge should, they are riff-tastic with big tasty riffs firing at you every 10 seconds, the drumming is extremely hectic and sounds like the work of a powerful machine that's on the go non stop, the vocals are quite mixed sometimes they are quite forceful and in your face screams and at other times they are in a more sing along style, but then that's down to Robert Butkovic and Filip Bartol's totally different style of vocals.

The album opens up with 'Servants' and it opens up pretty much how these guys tend to carry on, within the first 5 seconds of the song, your ears take a good battering from the thick and fast guitar riffs that Stjepan Tribuson and Filip Bartol treat us to, with that and Olicer Marcetic's thunderous machine like drumming it's no wonder your ears feel like they want to bleed in the process of listening, these guys have got the formula right, this is how metal music should be, big heavy and straight to the point, totally no fucking about.

The album title track 'Eternities', opts for a softer introduction with a softly sounding guitar piece running through and then just before the minute mark everything turns to madness with a long riffage session which then leads up to Filip Bartol coming in with a mighty aggressive scream, Bartol comes across as a man on a mission who means business and with powerful riffs and vocals like this I don't think anyone would dare stop him in his tracks.

'You Are Blessed' is a really tasty song, once again instruments are played as fast and loud as these guys bodies will let them play, the drums are the main thing running through the song which stands out the most due to the brutal constant nature of Oliver Marcetic's drumming style, the song also features a lot more melody than on most of the album due to the lengthy time that the more sing along vocals run throughout the song, don't worry too much if you think things are going to be to chilled for your ears as Filip Bartol pretty much screams his bollocks off at one point.

The album finishes with 'The Last One', the song starts off with all kinds of weird soundscapes that actually sound quite pleasing on the ear especially the way that they build up then fade back down and build up again and again, the vocals finally come in at the minute point of the song and the song takes on a kind of Stone Sour 'Bother' approach with the really clear, powerful and soothing vocals, the only difference here is IGUT don't go for radio friendly melody and stick more to their soundscapes and vocals that don't really reach a peak, well they do get quite shouty towards the end.

The whole album is tight feeling with a really heavy sound, it shows that these guys have learnt a lot in the 6 years that they have been together and that they have put all their skills together to come up with a really kick arse loud sound, they play loud the majority of the time but they have proved that they are not afraid to play the odd chilled out number, head to IGUT's myspace and give them a listen as they are a band well worth giving a chance. If you hope to see these guys playing in the UK soon you will be slightly dissapointed as their UK tour has been cancelled due to the booking agency not being able to book enough shows, but don't worry I'm sure things will be sorted and these guys will be over in the new year to support the release of 'Eternities'.


Link Eternities review

These guys are an explosion of screamed vocals and power guitar playing with an almost primeval energy. A four piece formed over six years ago far away in Zagreb, capital of Croatia, this band release a 9 track album which hits the stores at the end of September - about the time I'll regain the power of hearing after listening to them full blast. They seem to think that by starting their first song, 'Servants', with more venom then a King Cobra is the best way forward.

Despite the numbness in my nervous system and my rapidly paraplegic state, I feel that they're right. For the first two minutes you hear hoarse screaming and can only wince as you're attacked from all angles by excellent riffing from Tribuson and Bartol on guitars. Bartol doubles up on vocals and shows his softer side by closing the song out with some harmonic declarations to whatever god it is that Eastern Europeans go for.

The second song, taken from the album title 'Eternities', starts up with a softly plucked guitar that ascends into some melancholy and unhappy yet upbeat riffing. Almost inevitably, Bartol cannot resist bottling his rage for much longer and explodes out into the song with a shrieked tirade against.. well, anyone he wants too really. I'm not going to tell him to stop it! Track six, 'Whisperers', fades in with some guitar interference and then stutters into life with some rapid fire drumming - the drumming could well represent a machine gun and the song name could be the noise of the people trying to sneak into enemy territory under the nose of a machine gunner... an excellent tune that slows down between verses and then explodes into shrieks and riffery.

Track eight is titled 'Serenity' and it jumped out at me, challenging me to peek within the songs depths and see if anything this band do can be considered serene. BIG mistake. They are at their effusive best here, Marcetic's drumming being a key factor behind most of their songs - always pounding away at an inhuman pace - but this song especially. It's almost as if the drums take the lead in this song and the guitars are the backing... an incredible tune. Igut are European favourites, one of the most eagerly anticipated live bands. For you, the loving audience, they are currently on a UK tour.

Check out their website for more information and then make the decision - to go and see one of their shows, or to buy their album. Their is no third option where Igut are concerned and to be fair, you'd be a very brave man to say no in the face of a man who can scream with the force of a hurricane.

Stjepan - Guitar
Filip - Vocals, Guitar
Robert - Bass, Back vocals
Oliver - Drums

Author review
Graphics: 4
Sound: 4
Replay value: 4
Value: 5
Average 85%
